Report an Absence
The following Attendance guidelines apply to ALL students.
If your child is going to miss a class for an appt or any reason other than technical difficulties, please make sure you are still reporting attendance so that the absence can be excused.
Will your student be arriving late, leaving early, or leaving and coming back?
You have 48 hours to report an absence for it to be excused.
PHONE: (913) 993-0212
Spanish Hotline: (913) 993-0277
Attendance Line: Please state your students First and Last name, spell the last name, grade and reason for their full or partial day absence from school.
If your student will be leaving during the day, it is important you report by 9:15am. We will call the student down when the parent arrives at Door 1 in the office. Please be prepared to show your ID when picking up a student.
Helpful Tips:
- Teachers take attendance at the beginning of each class period. If your student is not present for roll call they will be marked absent
- Unreported absences will receive an automated phone call at the end of the day.
- ONLY parents/guardians may submit attendance in advance. If you know there will be an appointment or other obligation in advance, you can always submit ahead of time.
- Parent’s/guardians may submit attendance in advance. If you know there will be an appointment or other obligation in advance, you may always submit ahead of time.
- Emailing the teacher that your student will miss class does not excuse the absence. Teachers can only mark a student as present, absent or tardy. They cannot mark your student out for an appointment. Please call the attendance hotline.
IMPORTANT: NO emailed attendance. Please be sure to use the attendance hotline to call in an absence.